Bringing Respect Back

Communicating Without the Conflict


RespectFinalWebHow do people get along in your family? Generally speaking, are they nice to one another? Or do they tend to fight a lot? Are you tired of heated arguments that never get resolved? Does every conversation have to be a contest of wills? Do you feel like the people you care about don’t care about you? Have you felt like you are in a one-sided relationship?

If your answers to these questions indicate relationship problems then you are not alone. Families today are struggling to get along. Conflict is on the rise, while connection declining. A fundamental element is missing in relationships today. Respect. It’s missing at home and in the workplace. Respect is hard to find in society. It appears our culture has lost respect for respect. This book is about bringing respect back where it matters: within ourselves and in our most significant relationships.

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Learn how to communicate without conflict getting out of control. Find new ways to interact that promotes mutual respect and reciprocity. You will learn about two dances: The Dance of Disrespect and the Dance of Respect. One is popular in our culture. It causes conflict and distance. The other is a classical dance that promotes kindness and closeness.

In This Book You Will Learn

  1. Key elements that establish a respectful relationship
  2. A proper sequence to effective communication
  3. How to manage your emotional intensity
  4. The role self-respect plays in getting respect from others
  5. How to establish a respectful dialog with your spouse/partner
  6. Tools to help you bring conflict to a respectful resolution
  7. Tips on how to disarm a conflict before it explodes into a heated argument
  8. Principles and strategies of Influential Parenting
  9. How to give and receive respect in the workplace
  10. What to do with people you care about who don’t show you respect

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“Aretha Franklin sang about the problem of R-E-S-P-E-C-T but it is Don Olund who has developed a clear solution to dealing with this age old challenge. Follow his sound advice and helpful strategies to help create respect in your family.” Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD, Distinguished Professor, Governors State University

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“Reach out to me to learn more about relationship coaching, to ask a question, or share results based on anything you’ve read on the blog or in my books. I look forward to hearing from you!”