Episode 010: Be the Good Kind of Interrupter: How to Use a Time Out Before Emotions Overheat


Time out in relationships? Of course, it can be done! But you have to learn how to do it effectively to make sure any conflict eventually arrives at a resolution and it doesn’t end up in a stockpile. 

When we find ourselves in a conflict, we often forget the importance of embracing the pause. And it just might be the best thing you can do at that moment. Pushing forward in your effort to just move out of an argument as quickly as possible is not always the solution. You can’t think clearly in those moments and emotions are amped up. At some point, an argument warrants a pause.

In today’s episode, Don teaches us how to employ the tactic of a timeout before emotions start to overheat. This is an effective tool you want to learn to be an effective communicator in your relationships, especially when you find yourself stuck in a conflict or when things go south.

We’re specifically going to walk you through the five rules for how to effectively call a timeout and as always, we’re sharing a quick script around enacting a timeout. Find out how to be the kind of interrupter where you’re able to avoid blowout fights and employ an adult timeout effectively, without having to withdraw. 

In this episode, you will hear:

  • The concept of the stress cycle
  • When to know you need a timeout
  • Withdrawal vs. timeout
  • The purpose of a timeout
  • Five rules for how to effectively call a timeout
  • A quick script around implementing a timeout

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Supporting Resources:

Don Olund and gudlife: https://gudlife.com/

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle – https://www.amazon.com/Burnout-Secret-Unlocking-Stress-Cycle/dp/198481706X
